
To me art means curiosity, self-discovery in relation to the world and, above all, research.

I started my artistic adventure a little later than usual. Therefore, I have been trying to make up for those years with the enthusiasm that had been suppressed for long.

Painting was my first love. I tried to give new life even to poor, recovered, materials. In the canvasses strong and dominant colour was interpreted by me with istinct, passion and great emotion.

Later, the materials took over, leading me towards the three dimensions and thus to sculpture. Far from wanting any dependence or mannerism, I searched for something truly and only mine. There came the idea to weave wires as in the texture of a fabric, as if I was “building” matter. In the beginning, this weaving represented the bone structure of my sculptures, and they were covered with the same linen canvas I use for paintings, on which I placed ashes and various pigments.

Then I laid my wires bare.

In the building of these truncated bodies I did not bother trying to please, provoke or transgress, but I tried to express, in a harmonic and lyrical manner, the complexity, uncertainty and frailness of life.

I represent life as comprised between two doors: birth and death. That is why my sculptures are broken off, with bodies seeming to crumble. Building, starting to destroy, to be and not to be, in our life we, like the blind, are unable to grasp its meaning if we lack any reference point.

Now I make my sculptures with metal wires of various kinds, and I prefer to express myself by using bigger shapes.

I weave these wires without following a defined project because that is how I conceive art, like something bursting out, unreasonable and sudden.

It is the work leading you, not yourself governing your work, so I let it drive me, simply listening to inspiration brought by the matter, to reach, through an extremely detailed and hard work, a final result slowly taking its shape in a complicated plot of matter, at the same soft and so resistant. Coming out of the mere strength of my hands.

I am excited by touching, shaping and modifying. I hope that the magic of something in the process of changing impresses itself in my sculptures. A simple iron or copper wire gives life to a structure that can move me as if I was working with an alive element: the excitement makes me overcome any effort.


2015 © Anna Santinello

METAL WIRES | 1993 –

2015 © Anna Santinello


2015 © Anna Santinello


2015 © Anna Santinello